Aaron Daniel Films

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The Myth of Tomorrow

Tomorrow is not real.

Yesterday is not real.

The only reality is what is happening now. The present moment is all that was and all that there will ever be. For this reason, you must not depend on tomorrow. "I'll do it later" is a phrase that must be erased from your vocabulary. Instead, "now" is the only thing you can rely on.

Yesterday is not real. It was a moment in time that used to be the present, but has since passed. You must not dwell on these moments. Too much pain can be felt as you bring your mind into those memories. Do not let it haunt you. Stay here.

Tomorrow is not real. It is a hypothetical moment in time that may or may not happen. The truth is that 'tomorrow' only exists in your false reality. The only truth is what is currently around you. Too much stress can be felt as you continue hypothesizing what a future moment will be like. Do not let it devour you. Stay here.

As artists, we cannot let the past and future belittle our current expressions. The only way to create our best work is living in the now– as Eckhart Tolle professes. The now is the only thing we can give life to, and if we don't do this, we are not truly living. Do you think Da Vinci was thinking of a random time he was embarrassed while he was creating the Mona Lisa? Do you think Mozart was thinking of a future family vacation while in the middle of composing Lacrimosa? Do you think Kobe Bryant was thinking about any of his past or any of his future while making his free throws?

Here’s the secret:

Repeat this phrase throughout your day:
"Let's do this now."

There is no other time to give your attention. Now is all you have. Are you here? Or are you crushed by the pains of yesterday and tomorrow?

We only have one life.

Is this the girl you're too scared to say "I love you” to? Drop everything and call her now. She may be waiting for it.

Is that the business you're too afraid to start? Drop everything and register the business name on Instagram. Make it yours and your customers will seek you.

Is this the book you were born to write? Start a new Google doc or Microsoft Word document and write your one-sentence thesis. What is the message you need to get out into the world? The world is waiting.

Of all the things you should be working towards, there are millions of things you should stay away from. Leave that soul-crushing job. Leave that toxic relationship. Stop wasting your time on meaningless gossip and empty calories. Put all your valueless gadgets on Kijiji, put your noose of a car on Facebook marketplace, get rid of poisonous clients. Now.

Say "I love you". Write that business plan. Draft your manuscript. Go for a run. Book that yoga class. Master videography or photography. Talk to that guy or gal at Starbucks. Make the move and change the world.

Who are you and what meaning do you bring to the people around you? Define your life purpose and live for it now.

You have dreams and aspirations, perhaps a family to support and live for. Stop the complaining and cherish these things about your life. You only get this once.

Get out there and propose to the life you are meant to live.

If not now, when?